Call For Submission for Undergraduate Sociology Journal Volume VII 2025 is out now!
The Undergraduate Sociology Journal is now accepting submissions for the 2024-2025 academic year! This year, the USJ is looking for academic and creative pieces that revolve around the theme of BALANCE.
In our polarized world, jumping to conclusions about societal issues has become common, while balanced perspectives grow scarce. This year’s theme, Balance, highlights sociology’s role in fostering evidence-based, reasoned insights. With recent developments in technology, politics, and culture fueling division, it is crucial to approach humanity’s challenges with informed observations.
The theme is quite open-ended, by design. Any piece that offers a balanced sociological perspective is welcome. We encourage the submission of both qualitative and quantitative, and mixed-methods papers.
Submissions are open to all UofT undergraduates, and we welcome you to submit works of all forms, including but not confined to research papers, op-eds, poetry, photography, creative writing, and letters.
Please fill out the submission form and email your work to by February 1st, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Email our editor-in-chief Libby at if you have any questions or concerns!
Submission Requirements:
- Submissions to the Undergraduate Sociology Journal are open to any student enrolled in an undergraduate program at the St. George campus.
- Submissions from sociology’s intersecting disciplines, including, but not limited to, Criminology, Political Science, Women and Gender Studies, Indigenous Studies, Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Environmental Studies, Economics, etc., must have a clear sociological focus to be considered.
- Works of all forms, including research papers, op-eds, poetry, photography, creative writing, videos, music and letters will be allowed.
- Academic essays must:
- Be written for courses offered at the St. George campus;
- Be an original piece of work that has received a minimum grade of A- (80+);
- Be a minimum of 5 pages (not including citations), with no maximum page limit;
- Have double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins;
- Have an abstract (no more than 200 words).
- No identifying information may appear on the submission itself or in the document file name. This includes the author’s name, student number, course code, professor’s name, and TA’s name. This is to ensure that the Editorial Board reviews papers anonymously and objectively.
- All written works must be emailed as a Microsoft Word document.
- Photos must be emailed in jpeg, pdf, jpg or png format.
- All videos/audios must be able to be reached via a link. iMovie, Windows movie maker, or other applications will not be considered.
- A completed Submission Form must accompany each submission.
Multiple paper submissions by the same author are permitted.
Papers that fail to abide by the submission requirements may or may not still be considered for review, at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Due to the volume of submissions, only authors selected for the publishing process will be contacted.
Authors who publish with the Undergraduate Sociology Journal agree to the Copyright Policy.